Sunday, November 22, 2009

T and L Final Reflection Text

This is just the text from the podcast below as we need to post a reflective blog as well....

I realized that the technology I knew and have come to appreciate and feel so comfortable using was part of Web 1.0. I was skeptical of including the use of tech in my own classroom, b/c I have always thought it to be e-mail and the suite of Windows programs. Little did I know that there was this whole huge world out there of new and improved web 2.0 tools and applications just waiting for me to discover.

Prior to this class, I was aware and using google docs in a college level writing class to conduct writing conferences. Personally, I use tech to stay in touch with friends and family that are located all over the US and the world—Germany, Iraq, and Afganistan. I have used gmail and skpye to accomplish this. I knew too that a vast majority of students used the tech in the same manner.

My main desire for this class was to actually learn some new technology for me. It’s really typical that in most tech courses I have taken, I could have taught the course. The tech class that was originally in my program of studies to take, would have been one of these—thanks, but no thanks to paying 1200$ to learn how to use google docs in a classroom. I’ve already mastered that trick. With this mindset, I enrolled in this class with a skeptical mind.

However many weeks later, I must say, I am so excited to teach and to use these tools, techniques, applications and more that I have learned about and become so comfortable around. I have already created a unit plan that utilizes a wiki, glogster and I’m thinking about adding a podcasting project for students as well (we’ll see how my 1st podcast goes). I’ve been observing a middle-school English teacher all semester and have so many ideas for my own student teaching and classroom (podcasting book reviews, character glogs).

I’ve also become addicted to my google reader and check it at least twice a day. Through this, I’ve discovered so many great educational and tech based blogs that I am continuing to learn more and more. All of these I keep track of on diigo. I talk about the course so much, that others have expressed wanting to take it as well.

This has been one of the best courses I have taken and also has the most real-world applications for me. My fingers are crossed that I eventually am in a school district that supports and embraces Web2.0 in the class. And if not, I’ve learned some tips and tricks from this class to show how vital these tools are in ones curriculum.

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