Monday, November 16, 2009

Chapter 5 Professional Development

I believe that the role of technology does have a role in today's classroom (different frame of reference from when I started this course); however, I see co-teachers, principals and perhaps even parents being understanding of technology and how it can be used academically not just for entertainment and social purposes. 

Perhaps a way to get fellow teachers and principals 'hooked' into this new technology may be to begin by using it in staff development, meetings, other opportunities.  If school personal could use wikis, blogs, etc in this manner then they may benefit from seeing not only how effective this technology is but also how easy it is.  If you can 'hook' the teachers, then the students should not be that far behind. 

Another technique to show parents how important the role of technology may play in the classroom would be use a class blog/wiki to share and communicate with parents.  If parents can see the value of these Web 2.0 tools, ten they might be more open and receptive to classroom time being dedicated to the teaching with these tools.


Passionateteach said...

@Vanessa - I agree with you on all points! If we can slowly show our fellow teachers just how easy it is to begin a wiki, blog or use a tool that is web2.0, it is a step in the right direction. It is especially important when you have the buy in of your administration! I am excited to see your change of heart! :)

Anonymous said...

I like what you said about getting the parents involved and showing them the value of the tools. I think that many of their fears come from not really knowing what the new tools are all about.