Saturday, November 21, 2009

Interactive Whiteboar-- $50 or $2000???

I just discovered this information and wanted to share with all of you.  A common brick wall in tech in classrooms is cost.  An interactive white board is an amazing piece of technology, but not many school districts can afford them for each classroom; however, most classes now have the projectors.  A researcher, Johnny Lee has developed an easy way for teachers and others to create their own interactive white boards using the $40 wii remote and a simple DIY LED pen.  Lee's homepage is here.  Here is Lee introducing his researching in a youTube video...

Here, Lee shows how to actually set it up...

There is now an interactive website, discussion board and wiki re: this low-cost, high-impact technology.

This great resource has a full-length pdf file, more video and more re: this technique by Lee.  This video is very helpful and I'm fairly confident that most anyone could do this...

This is a GREAT video based on Lee's concept.  The software that is necessary is FREE!!!  How amazing is that.... (available from Johnny Lee's website)... There is now also Mac versions available...

Just thought I'd share this great, affordable resource...


Aimee said...

Hi Vanessa,

We are currently trying this out in my district. If it works out, all teachers would be receiving this since most of the teachers have an LCD in their rooms already. What a great idea! Thanks for sharing!


hbooska said...


Thank you for sharing this information. I hadn't heard the actual steps to create an interactive white board... Very cool!!
