Saturday, November 21, 2009

Is the world flatter?

After viewing the info on our wiki, I looked up the title of the book on wikipedia and found this to be helpful in understanding the concept. I do understand what Friedman states. The most powerful statement I found Friedman state was that, "when the world was round, people downloaded information but now that the world is flat people are uploading information."

Wow... Think about that... The power has shifted from the larger corporations and organizations to the individuals.

Friedman also states that by having the world being 'flat' and people interacting horizontally instead of vertically, the educational productivity gained is unmeasurable. This makes me think back to the idea that if we are sooo connected, is the gain worth it? Again, not sure... I understand his idea and think he's right, I'm just not sure if I want the world to go down this rabbit hole.

My lil' Monster just turned two and someone called and asked if he had a laptop yet? Huh? A laptop geared towards toddlers that hooks up to your TV. The Monster barely watches Sesame Street and you want him to have a laptop? Technology and connectedness needs to be balanced... And I think Friedman would agree.

1 comment:

hbooska said...


I read your statement a number of times to really think about it.

"...interacting horizontally instead of vertically, the educational productivity gained is unmeasurable. This makes me think back to the idea that if we are sooo connected, is the gain worth it?"

Just thinking horizontally, flat, everything shared. Instead of thinking about $, people are thinking how to share what they have made for others to use and build on.

I don't know if that is a "rabbit hole" or are we joining together on a wide open prairie, where we can only imagine the horizon.

Thanks for making me think!