Sunday, September 21, 2008

BIG changes in the Alander house!

So... after MUCH MUCH MUCH consideration, thought, etc, I have decided to go back to Plymouth and get my MEd in Elementary Education and FINALLY be a teacher... Which is what I've been wanting to do for a while now.  I am hoping to start in December, if I can pull all my stuff together... We'll see.. But in the meantime, I've put in notice for my current position and am working on getting some part-time stuff lined up... I have one pt job until December.  I'd like to get a waitress job (nights) so I will pursue that avenue in a week or so... 

Just thought I'd let blogland know!

JPA's development...

On September 10
th, I brought JPA into work so that the staff could complete a developmental evaluation on JPA as a learning exercise... I thought I'd just post the results here... The eval we do at work is the Infant/Toddler Developmental Assessment (IDA).  At the time of this eval he was one day shy of being 10 months...  The IDA assesses 8 developmental domains... 

Gross Motor - 10 months
Fine Motor - 11.5-13 months
Relationship to Inanimate Objects- 15-18 months 
Language/Communication- 10-11.5  months with some skills in the 13 month range
Self-Help - 13-18 month range
Relationship to Persons - 11.5-13 with some skills in the 13
-18 month range
Emotions and Feelings 11.5-13 months
Coping Behavior - 11.5-13

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Baby's Can Learn to Sign...

So, at about five months of age, I started using some pretty basic sign with JPA... I use the sign for milk (which looks like you're milking a cow), more, all done and change (but this one is pretty hit-or-miss).  He has milk down, has had it for a while.  Just this past week he has really been signing 'more.'  I got it on tape to show you all... It's really quite cute... 

Friday, September 5, 2008


So, who would have thought that due to the humidity on September 5th, I'd have to run our AC so JPA could sleep.  After placing him in our bed tonight with the AC and the fan going, he passed right out sleeping on his back.  This was at 8:15 tonight.  I thought I'd move JPA to his crib a little after ten o'clock.  As I opened our bedroom door I let out a very audible gasp and an 'oh my god' as sitting on the bed, looking out the door was JPA, with his legs crossed, eyes wide open and sucking on his pacifier.  The poor boy scared the crap out of me!

It was the weirdest and freakiest thing yet to happen with JPA... Since, he never has really rolled over (he isn't a big fan of rolling) I have no idea how he got into the sitting position nor how long he had been just hanging out, sitting in our bed... 

Nathan and I got 5 good minutes of hard laughing in!

Just thought I'd share!!!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

JPA Well Child Visit...

JPA had a well child check two weeks ago and here are his stats... The comparisions are from his last WCC three months ago... 

  • Weight 15.75 pounds to 17.50
  • Length 24 inches to 26
  • Head Circum 16 inches to 18 inches
  • Silly percentage growth chart meant to foster and encourage comparisions while tossing out the notion that each child is an individual... anyways.  JPA was at 3% but is at 10% now... So there is positive growth...
So, here's the theory Dr. Badger came up with because this level of growth is quite large.  With his weight issues early on, Badger is considering his weight, right now, three months behind.  So, then at this appointment he was about 6.5 months and he's right on track!  

Below is first attempt at including video... Hope you enjoy it... If it works!

Hide and Seek...

So, what is Easter without an Easter egg hunt?  This past Easter Nathans dad was responsible for hiding the eggs.  We counted and knew how many we had.  After a very through search and were one short.  Thinking that 1.  either we miscounted or 2. we would find it later the MIA egg was out of our minds.  During Old Home Week in Madison, BaBa (JPA's great grandmother Barbara), Gramma and Grampa were up and as I was getting some tea for BaBa I discovered the MIA Easter egg.  Needless to say, no one cracked it open and it was swiftly composted.  But not without getting a photo-op with the egg hider himself!