Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I can't have that yet...

Just wanted to add a quick photo of JPA... This weekend when Nate was talking to Jake I realized that this shot was right there... I think it's quite cute, especially JPA's bug-eyes... Enjoy!

Married Life...

Hollywood has young, naive Americans fooled when it comes to marriage. I mean, if you even believe only half of what you see on television and in movies as to what married life would be like, you would have no clue. Hollywood shows us that marriage is all about flowers, candy, chocolates and late night dinners with bottles of wine. Hollywood's idealized married life is either from the fifties (wife at home, making dinner, martini waiting for husband) or the hurried and frantic life of two working parents always eating take out for dinner and never spending time with each other.

I'd like to think that a good marriage is somewhere in between. That a good marriage is based not only on love, but a mutual respect for each other. A general feeling of wan
ting to share in both the good and the bad of whatever life throws at you. The vows you take on your wedding day actually meaning something.

Well, I thought our marriage was like this. Imagine my surprise when our neighborhood girl scout had delivered our girl scout cookies and Nathan immediately grabbed a box of thin mints and samoa's and wrote the following on it:
So much for sharing...

P.S. I'm actually the one that can make my cookies last longer, Nate tends to eat his rather quickly...

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Relaxin' Sunday...

Typically, a weekend for us consists of Saturday doing 'something' (visiting, traveling, going into town, etc) and Sunday staying home. This Sunday was no different, especially how Saturday was quite busy. JPA let us sleep until 7:00 am. Well, he woke at 4:00, ate and fell back asleep in our bed until 7:00 am. We had a slow start, made breakfast and then just lounged around for the first half of the day. JPA sat upstairs with us while we surfed the internet and then cycled through Nathan and I holding him. Sometimes after JPA finishes eating he get's "milk drunk." Essentialy, he passes out cold when he's all done eating and he's usually out for at least 30 minutes and is completely oblivious to the world. JPA doesn't stir when Onni barks, a plow truck drives by shaking the house or when Nate is vacuuming. I hoped the JPA would get the Alander sleep genes and it appears that he has!!! Today, Nate and JPA took a nap together in the recliner. JPA was passed out milk drunk and Nate was just cat napping. In the early afternoon we received a call from Uncle Jacob in Germany. Jacob and Sook will be home to visit in two weeks. JPA is looking forward to finally meeting his uncle and aunt and they are looking forward to meeting him.

Day Trippin...

Sometimes you just have to get out of the valley. On Saturday all four of us, Nathan, Vanessa, Jonathon and Onni, all decided to leave the valley for the day and head eastbound: Portland, Maine. We packed up the car (baby, car seat, dog and stroller), filled the car up with gas and headed out on route 25. After an extraordinarily long trip over due to an insane amount of frost heaves we finally arrived in Scarborough. We stopped at Baby's 'R Us, picked up a few items we needed so we didn't have to pay shipping by buying online and headed to the Old Port. While in the old port, we found two Scandinavian stores (one clothing, one food). We picked up a bib for JPA and a welcome sign for our front door. JPA is showing off those purchases.
We had lunch at Sebago Brewing Company and ended our day at Whole Foods.... All in all, a very nice day spent out of the valley...

Thursday, February 21, 2008

It's all politics, baby...

Tonight's post is going to skew politicial as the democratic debate from Texas is on...

He may be young but JPA is quickly becoming educated in the complex world of politics. Nathan and I are both political and believe that if you don't vote, you don't have a voice and then you have no right to either complain or praise the government and the choices that government makes. This primary is historical no matter who secures the nomination, whether it be Obama or Clinton, it will be an amazing thing. Nathan and I each have our preference, but we both are strong advocates to just voting and being an informed voter; not allowing the media to tell you who to vote for.

Young Jonathon's political education has started quite young. We watch the nightly news, well, he listens and mama and daddy watch. A week or two before New Hampshire's primary, Bill Clinton spoke at Kennett High. Nathan, Vanessa and Jonathon all went, along with Gramma, and listened to him speak. JPA slep
t through most of it, but I believe he was just taking it all in--his first political rally. We missed seeing Obama as he was in the valley during the summer. Tonight, as Nate was hanging out with Jonathon while I cooked dinner (tuna melts), Nate grabbed today's Boston Globe and turned to the editorial page. As I'm chopping broccoli, slicing tomatoes and mixing tuna I hear Nate reading to Jonathon from the Globe. The editorial was regarding Obama and 10 points about him and how he is faring over Clinton. It was a pro-Obama editorial. It was really cute and Jonathon gave his full attention to Daddy. When Nathan would pause in reading or comment, Jonathon would add his opinions --making sure JPA's voice was heard.

Monday's Weight Check...

As you may or may not know JPA has had a weight issue, gaining and maintaining... On Monday's post hospitalization check up, he weighed in at a record weight of.... 11 pounds 5.5 ounces... Hopefully, by his 4 month well-child check in March he'll have doubled his birth weight and be 12 pounds...
Oh yeah, he's also officially OUTGROWN newborn size clothes at 3 1/2 months.... It's about time!

And here's a pic of me and the boy...

Monday, February 18, 2008


JPA's social calendar was quite busy this weekend... Mimi (Vanessa' mother) come up Saturday night and left Sunday. Mimi had a great time holding him as they exchanged stories about their days and adventures. In fact, JPA eventually fell asleep for a nap while Mimi was holding him. JPA was smiling away...

JPA also met Karen Vitek for the first time as she was up staying at the Johnson's house for a week of peace and quiet. She and JPA instantly clicked and he smiled away while she was singing to him. While she was only here for a little bit, they both really enjoyed their time together...

And the long holiday weekend was capped off with a visit to Gramma and Grampa's house in Bartlett for a little time together.
Overall a good holiday weekend, a long holiday weekend but good. And as it was such a busy weekend, JPA finished it off with a bubble bath!!!

Winter in Madison...

Not much to write, but thought that we'd just show you some interesting pics from around Pound Road... Enjoy!!!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Red Sox Fan...

JPA is doing much better after his hospital stay, we go Monday for a weight check and follow up...

In preparation for the pitchers and catchers reporting to Florida on Thursday, JPA was spotted sporting some of his numerous Red Sox gear... Well, the hat was Daddy's but the onesie was all JPA's.

He, like the rest of Red Sox Nation is eagerly awaiting for the first game of the season!!!

Valentine's day came and went, we don't tend to celebrate it too much, although Nate did buy both JPA and Vanessa a book each. We did go over to Wonalancet to hang out with Uncle Mark, Aunt Ingrid and Gram for a pot roast dinner and winter berry crisp. JPA was smiling and talking away. It was a blast... and the food was great!!!

This weekend Mimi is up for Saturday night to spend some time with JPA... He's already smiling away at her and telling her everything that he's been up to!!!

Thanks for reading....

Saturday, February 9, 2008

The first posting...

Okay, so we thought we would start this blog so that anyone can keep updated on JPA and his doings... I'm not sure how often we'll update or whatnot, but figured we can give it a shot...

This weekend was just low-key and laid back as last weekend, JPA was admitted into the hospital with bronchiolitis and pneumonia... He's doing much better now and he's none the worse for wear after his two night, three day stay... Although it is something that we'd like to veer away from in the future...

Nathan has started indoctrinating young Jonathon into the Red Sox Nation. He is of the belief that you can't start too young... While the sordid history of the Sox might be a little over his head right now, at least he likes looking at the pictures!!! Let's pray that Jonathon comes to love all Boston teams and doesn't stray...

And of course poor, neglected Onni tried to make the photo...