Sunday, November 22, 2009

T and L Final Reflection Text

This is just the text from the podcast below as we need to post a reflective blog as well....

I realized that the technology I knew and have come to appreciate and feel so comfortable using was part of Web 1.0. I was skeptical of including the use of tech in my own classroom, b/c I have always thought it to be e-mail and the suite of Windows programs. Little did I know that there was this whole huge world out there of new and improved web 2.0 tools and applications just waiting for me to discover.

Prior to this class, I was aware and using google docs in a college level writing class to conduct writing conferences. Personally, I use tech to stay in touch with friends and family that are located all over the US and the world—Germany, Iraq, and Afganistan. I have used gmail and skpye to accomplish this. I knew too that a vast majority of students used the tech in the same manner.

My main desire for this class was to actually learn some new technology for me. It’s really typical that in most tech courses I have taken, I could have taught the course. The tech class that was originally in my program of studies to take, would have been one of these—thanks, but no thanks to paying 1200$ to learn how to use google docs in a classroom. I’ve already mastered that trick. With this mindset, I enrolled in this class with a skeptical mind.

However many weeks later, I must say, I am so excited to teach and to use these tools, techniques, applications and more that I have learned about and become so comfortable around. I have already created a unit plan that utilizes a wiki, glogster and I’m thinking about adding a podcasting project for students as well (we’ll see how my 1st podcast goes). I’ve been observing a middle-school English teacher all semester and have so many ideas for my own student teaching and classroom (podcasting book reviews, character glogs).

I’ve also become addicted to my google reader and check it at least twice a day. Through this, I’ve discovered so many great educational and tech based blogs that I am continuing to learn more and more. All of these I keep track of on diigo. I talk about the course so much, that others have expressed wanting to take it as well.

This has been one of the best courses I have taken and also has the most real-world applications for me. My fingers are crossed that I eventually am in a school district that supports and embraces Web2.0 in the class. And if not, I’ve learned some tips and tricks from this class to show how vital these tools are in ones curriculum.

T and L Final Reflection and Podcast

Here is my final reflection in podcast format. I must say, using the podomatic software was a breeze and I could really see myself using podcasting for lessons in the future. It was also super easy to embed in the blog. Anyone know if it's as easy to do so in a wiki?

Now I just need to practice speaking to record and if I didn't have a cold, it would have been better. Also, I feel that I sound like a young boy in recordings :-(

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Webinar--Using Glogster in a Classroom

I found this a while ago on the archive list of webinars on Classroom2.0. I've really taken away and taken glogs to heart and am looking forward to using them in the classroom. I can see their use as endless... So I really wanted to watch this webinar...

Again, I like that glogster has a private (educational use only) side and a public side--as this presenter pointed out. This is key re: using in a school... is safe and monitored by teachers. The use of glogster in interactive and integrates cross-curriculum disciplines.

33%of online teens share their creations online... we as teachers need to harness this power...

This site has lots of links for music that can be used for free w/o copyright infringements. This is something to keep in mind and fair use and copyright issues are huge; however, you can use this as teachable moment to teach copyright law to students...

This webinar addressed something I was interested in--the use of glogs from a teacher point of view....
  • as a way to communicate with parents re: administrative information of going on's in the classroom
  • links to a wiki site
  • fosters development and communication between parents, teacher, classroom and school
I also like how edu glogster allows one-click relationships with other Web2.0 tools (wikis, vokis, blogs and more)... And they also focus primarily on the safety and privacy of students forefront.
Glogster is also key to allow for differential instructions for a mixed ability classroom.

This is a GREAT example of a timeline glogster... What teacher wouldn't want to use this???

These glogs are able to be embeded into wikis, blogs, facebook and MORE!!!

Is the world flatter?

After viewing the info on our wiki, I looked up the title of the book on wikipedia and found this to be helpful in understanding the concept. I do understand what Friedman states. The most powerful statement I found Friedman state was that, "when the world was round, people downloaded information but now that the world is flat people are uploading information."

Wow... Think about that... The power has shifted from the larger corporations and organizations to the individuals.

Friedman also states that by having the world being 'flat' and people interacting horizontally instead of vertically, the educational productivity gained is unmeasurable. This makes me think back to the idea that if we are sooo connected, is the gain worth it? Again, not sure... I understand his idea and think he's right, I'm just not sure if I want the world to go down this rabbit hole.

My lil' Monster just turned two and someone called and asked if he had a laptop yet? Huh? A laptop geared towards toddlers that hooks up to your TV. The Monster barely watches Sesame Street and you want him to have a laptop? Technology and connectedness needs to be balanced... And I think Friedman would agree.

affordable plan book software...

Again, stumbled upon this (there is so much other stuff I should be doing)...

$30 for planbook software developed by a fulltime teacher... looks decent...

Interactive Whiteboar-- $50 or $2000???

I just discovered this information and wanted to share with all of you.  A common brick wall in tech in classrooms is cost.  An interactive white board is an amazing piece of technology, but not many school districts can afford them for each classroom; however, most classes now have the projectors.  A researcher, Johnny Lee has developed an easy way for teachers and others to create their own interactive white boards using the $40 wii remote and a simple DIY LED pen.  Lee's homepage is here.  Here is Lee introducing his researching in a youTube video...

Here, Lee shows how to actually set it up...

There is now an interactive website, discussion board and wiki re: this low-cost, high-impact technology.

This great resource has a full-length pdf file, more video and more re: this technique by Lee.  This video is very helpful and I'm fairly confident that most anyone could do this...

This is a GREAT video based on Lee's concept.  The software that is necessary is FREE!!!  How amazing is that.... (available from Johnny Lee's website)... There is now also Mac versions available...

Just thought I'd share this great, affordable resource...

Monday, November 16, 2009

Thoughts on Web2.0 tools in schools - good, bad and the ugly?

I have personally and academically evolved my thoughts regarding the use of not only computers but specifically Web 2.0 tools in the class. 

The Good

Students are already using the web in ways that are not academic (as evidenced in a section of college comp that I'm teaching this semester).   Use of these tools when used in a school setting, through the lens of curriculum and pedagogy, Web 2.0 tools I could see as being an extremely effective tool of the everyday classroom. 

The Bad

Teachers not being 'up to date' with the new tech tools, schools, principals, and administrations not being open to the use of these tools and these web based (typically free) tools being blocked from the schools network. 

The Ugly

Fears of being the only teacher who wants to use these tech tools in a school and not being supported by co-teachers and administrations.

Chapter 5 Professional Development

I believe that the role of technology does have a role in today's classroom (different frame of reference from when I started this course); however, I see co-teachers, principals and perhaps even parents being understanding of technology and how it can be used academically not just for entertainment and social purposes. 

Perhaps a way to get fellow teachers and principals 'hooked' into this new technology may be to begin by using it in staff development, meetings, other opportunities.  If school personal could use wikis, blogs, etc in this manner then they may benefit from seeing not only how effective this technology is but also how easy it is.  If you can 'hook' the teachers, then the students should not be that far behind. 

Another technique to show parents how important the role of technology may play in the classroom would be use a class blog/wiki to share and communicate with parents.  If parents can see the value of these Web 2.0 tools, ten they might be more open and receptive to classroom time being dedicated to the teaching with these tools.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Use of Wordle

Hi All...

I just created a Wordle for my Unit that I'm creating for another class. I've embeded it in my wiki (found here)... Just thought I'd share. After a little trial and error, it was pretty easy.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Intergrating technology and helping the relectant writer....

One of my passions is teaching others to find their authentic voice and to improve their writing.  I just found out about this website which has soooo many applications for not only the English teacher's website but so much more... pic lit...  I just wasted thirty minutes instead of grading student papers!!!

Glogster Links...

Some interetsing links i found re: use of Glogster and education...

Sample Glogs from education--

Website with tutorials, examples, applications for glogster --

List of Web2.0 tools....

Found this list the am and thought I'd share it...

Thursday, November 12, 2009

My Journey in Podcasting...

Ok... I have been familiar with podcasts for a couple of years (subscribe to a few on iTunes)... and I am very interested in learning how to do this for not only blogs but wikis as well as i am IN LOVE with wikis and am looking forward to actually using them in real classrooms not just hypothetical ones.  I also see the benefit where I could add a podcast re: my lecture and embed it on a project page on a wiki...

This post will chronicle my journey to see if i am successful or not re: my question of:

Can I not only create a podcast, but embed it as well--not just link to it...

My first website I visited was on ehow .  This taught me how to link to it from a different website.  Not exactly what I wanted.  I thought that if I Googled how to embed verses how to link would provide better search results...The next website from How to Podcast was based, again, on hosting a podcast on a server... NOT what I wanted...

I finally found this slide show which was helpful  and even gave links for free music... This slide show was SOOOO informative and a real lifesaver... Highly suggest this for help!  Discovered that I need to create an account at a podcast hosting website... (starting to click!)  I checked out Podbean, Podomatic and Snapdrive.. I decided on Podomatic..

Next step is to play around with podcasting.. will have to do when The Monster and Husband are a) asleep or b) not home... we'll see...

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Glogster/Wiki work in progress

Per Kim's request... Here is a wiki I'm creating for a High School Literature Unit. The opening page is a glog. My final project is also a glog and will post on the class wiki when done...

Friday, November 6, 2009

NH Online Education

This is a great site for NH based online education. The classes are created by NH educators for NH edcuators. Also, it seems pretty cost effective (~$100 each)...

vanaessa --week 10 choice blog

I've actually been using Glogster a lot lately (for this class final project and for a secondary literature unit i am developing based on the novel Feed). If you log on to this is the site for educators and you do not have access to the rest of the glogs out there. ALso, you can create up to 200 student accounts. Another benefit is that the glogs are private AND you can easily embed the glogs into wiki and other social networking sites. So far, i have created two glogs for two different wikis and they have been quite easy. I've uploaded images, linked video from the web, added animation and embeded them into wikis! They look great and am excited to actually get in a classroom and to use them. I've been observing an 8th grade class and helping them write book reviews. I mentioned the idea to the teacher about using glogster to create interactive book reviews and will be showing her the program in the next few weeks. She seemed really excited and open to exploring this option.